
RADiO LiMA is a sub-website of Greylight Projects (a platform for arts and culture based in Heerlen, The Netherlands)

On RADiO LiMA we will transmit different audio podcast and sound works by artist and others.

If you have a proposal, question or remark you can contact us by sending an email to radiolima@greylightprojects.org

RADIO LIMA is in 2018 voortgekomen uit de workshop ‘Circumstantial Radio‘ gehouden door Paul Devens met 3ejaars studenten van de kunstacademie Maastricht (Fine Art of MAFaD (Zuyd University)) in de LIMA ateliers in Heerlen. De uiteindelijke live uitzending was te volgen via een stream op Facebook en op je FM radio op 101.0 MHz.

At RADIO LIMA, students Fine Art of MAFaD (Zuyd University), will present their artworks as a result of a week-long workshop. An impression of such will emerge by interviews and soundscapes through the medium of radio, for a live audience. Visitors are welcome to come and listen to the show and see the exhibition.
RADIO LIMA is a project by Circumstantial Radio, Paul Devens, Erik de Jong and Greylight Projects.”